Here at Kitchen Craft, one of our goals is to give you healthy ways of cooking, that still give you the satisfaction you deserve. Like our Veggie Pizza recipe, that still gives you cheese, along with nutritious veggies, and a beautiful crust so you can indulge in this pizza as much as you want! People like Victoria Taylor, is a pro when it comes to healthy baking, so you can create and follow more recipes that keep your health in mind.

In the article 10 Tips For Healthier Baking, Victoria Taylor from The British Heart Foundation gives ideas on how to make baking nutritionally better for you and your loved ones. In the article, she mentions that everything in moderation is key. While this is a common mantra, it is nice to be reminded. She mentions that as long as you aren’t eating cakes every single day, you can certainly enjoy sweets every now and then.
Something else to help with moderation while enjoying those sweets? Make sure your portions are sensible. You can always make a mini version, which will give you all the flavor but less calories and fat per portion.
Speaking of maximizing the flavor with less, here’s a tip that can help when baking pies: only top the pie with crust instead of lining the entire dish top to bottom. This cuts down on the fat and calories while still giving you that delicious crust flavor.

Another tip Victoria gives readers: use less salt. If you enjoy making your own bread, you are in luck! By baking your own bread, you can control the salt content. And the less salt we use, the better— especially in our bread as it’s the bakery item that we probably consume the most.
Another tip? Add healthier ingredients to your baking. Substituting whole grain flour instead of white flower, for example, increases the fiber which will also make your baking heartier and more filling. (Although, with this particular substitution, it is good to note that it will give your food a slightly nuttier flavor, so you might want to use half of the wholegrain flour and half of the white flour if you find it impacts the flavor of your food.)

Some other tips mentioned in the article include: making a quick soda bread using baking soda as the raising agent instead of yeast; using less or healthier icings (such as a glace icing instead of buttercream); and choosing the right pastry (which can make all the difference with fat and calorie content). She also mentions baking with unsaturated fat instead of butter. As our Kitchen Craft devotees know, we often use an olive oil cooking spray for many of our dishes, and recommend using a spray instead of butter whenever possible to cut down on calories and fat.
Overall, it seems that small changes in your baking can make a big difference when it comes to preparing healthier dishes. Here’s to happy, healthy baking!