About Us
Dear Customer,
Please read the countless reviews from our valued customers and rest in the security that you’ve invested wisely. Know that you’ve supported an American owned and operated company. Including our suppliers, we have identified over 9,000 American families who have a job because you bought this cookware. Thank you from all of us! Know that should our country ever go to war again to defend our liberties and freedom, Americraft would readily do our part.
Our company proudly supports the men and women who defend America’s freedom and way of life, preserving the principles our forefathers fought and died for. This is not the land of the free and the home of the brave. This land is free because of the brave. How many of us were more patriotic on 9/11 than we were on 9/10? Let us not ever forget again.
Thank you from all of us who have a job…because you bought
Kitchen Craft Cookware
Patriotically Yours,
Dave and Bryan Hurley

Does our cookware cost more? You bet, and it is well worth it! The quality is second to none. The craftsmen that perform the 61 hand-operated steps required to make the world’s finest cookware are the best in the industry and take great pride in every step. When the foreign made dot coms become dot gone and their phones are disconnected, this 110-year-old American manufacturing company will still be there to give you the security and service you deserve.
When you read our thousands of five star reviews,
you will understand why the health conscious families of the world are investing in the “ last set of cookware in their life “, not the next one that ends up in the landfill a year later with toxic non stick chemicals leaching into our bodies. “ where would we be financially, if every major purchase in our life had the same lifetime warranty as Kitchen Craft Waterless cookware”
Invest in the BEST!

My mother bought her cookware at a home party for $356 over 70 years ago and she took good care of it. When she passed away 15 years ago, she gave it to me. My cookware was part of my mother, and it makes me think of her when I use it. Being a nurse, I know about the dangers of Teflon and aluminum, and this is the best investment you can make.
70 Year Owner

I got my cookware in 1972, I was young, and they came to the house and cooked for us so we bought it. I didn’t think it would last forever, but now it has lasted over 50 years. All the handles and knobs are still on and it is really easy to clean. This cookware is a great investment because it lasts, and you don’t have to buy anything else.
51 Year Owner

I got my set in 1977 and at that time it was $500, my Mom said I was crazy that it was too much money, but I just knew I wanted it. I bought the set anyway and I have been using my amazing cookware every day since. The thickness of the cookware, you can’t beat it and it cleans easily. 46 years later and it is one of the best investments you will ever make.
46 Year Owner

“I have people who always comment on that [our Kitchen Craft cookware quality] when they come to our home for a meal, how good everything tastes, and they also say about my cookware, “man that looks great where did you get that?””
47 Year Owner

Nothing burns in it, you don’t have to use any water, everything retains flavor. We’ve never had to replace any of the pieces If you could buy something that you don’t have to buy again for another 70 years, I would take it.
40 Year Owner

I bought mine when I graduated high school, my mother told me I would need a good set of pots and pans. I made payments on them for 3 years and I have used the same pots and pans for over 54 years. They are awesome, they are a great investment!