Remove the pork shoulder from the refrigerator and allow it to rest at room temperature for 30 minutes
Slice one large onion (white or yellow) into thin rings.
Place the sliced onion in your 8 Quart Stockpot.
Pour ½ cup of water over the onions.
Remove the pork shoulder from the plastic bag.
Discard the excess marinade.
Place the pork shoulder on top of the onions.
Cover the pot and place it over medium heat.
Cook until steam just begins to escape from under the lid.
Spin the lid to engage the Vapor Seal.
Immediately reduce the heat to low.
Cook the pork shoulder for 3 ½ hours.
Check the amount of broth in the pot after three hours. There should be plenty of liquid, if not, add another ½ cup of water and replace the lid. If liquid is added, increase the heat to medium until steam begins to escape from under the lid.
Spin the lid to engage the Vapor Seal and reduce heat to low.
Remove the pot from the heat and allow it to rest covered for ½ an hour.
Uncover the pot and carefully transfer the meat to a Large Cookie Sheet.
Pour the broth into a separate container. (Don’t throw it out. There’s lots of flavor in it.)
Separate the meat from the bone once it becomes just cool enough to handle.
“Pull” the pork to separate the strands of meat from one another.
Continue this until you’ve gone through all the meat.
Discard the excess fat and bone.
Cool both the meat and the broth or use some right away.